Properties Inspected.
Stop arguing over properties, and organise your property search

Don’t Miss Out!!

How It Works
The Problem
Buyers will inspect on average 11 properties before even making an offer. Buyers get confused over the attributes of each property. Buyers may be forced to make offers based on their patchy memory or risk missing out on the property.
Step 1
Scan the QR code above or click the link and add it to your home screen. Free. No Cost and Fully Functional
Step 2
Select the inspection form that best suit you. Inspect a property and fill in the information about the property.
Step 3
Receive a uniform and easy-to-read report in your inbox which you can easily file for comparisons
All-In-One Inspection App
Keep track of all your inspections
Don’t make an offer for a property while struggling to remember its attributes
Save yourself time having to go to another inspection just to confirm your suspicions

Easy-to-Use, Seamless, Organised
Stop arguing over properties!
Free and Fully Functional, no credit card, no payments and will always be.
1000s of downloads across Sydney
Gain control over your inspections

- NTrusted by Sydney buyers
- NSave the stress
- NAvoid the confusion
- NSave yourself time
- NCombine this with your Free Guide and become the ultimate buyer